Are you baffled by your child's behavior?

You love your child deeply. Many days, however, you struggle to understand why he or she behaves the way they do.

Why does he have huge emotional reactions to seemingly small events?

Why does she fearful of new situations or new events?

Why is he SO different from me?

Where does all her energy come from (and how can I harness it)?

Why does he struggle to make friends?

What if you could feel confident in parenting?

What if you had a deep grasp of your child's needs and gifts?

How would you feel when your child's unique reactions to situations actually gave you insight into their needs instead of making you feel baffled?

Think of how empowered you would feel going into a new situation knowing that you prepared your child so she would feel safe and confident, not fearful and nervous.

Consider how different your relationship would be with your child when you learned that the behavior you thought was him "pushing your buttons" was actually the sign of a temperamental need?

Meet the Author

Amy Webb, Ph.D.

I'm a scholar turned blogger who loves writing about child development and parenting. With a Doctorate in Human Development and Family Sciences and real-life experience as a mom of 2, I've decided to share all I've learned about temperament with parents and teachers.

I don't claim to be a parenting expert for your child (only you are) but I hope to help you feel more confident in your parenting decisions.

Who is this course for?

Parents and educators who interact with children of varying temperaments (that's all of us!)

Parents and educators who want to help kids reach their full potential

Intense Children

You're a parent/teacher who struggles to understand a child's behavior:

Why does this child react with such strong emotions?

Why does this child struggle in certain situations that others don't?

Shy or Inhibited Children

You're a parent/teacher who's trying to help a shy or inhibited child face the world without fear:

How can I encourage this child without pushing too hard?

How do I understand and value this child's unique temperament?

Every Unique Child

You're a parent/teacher who struggles with understanding each child's unique temperament:

How can each child's temperament serve them later in life?

How can I provide discipline without crushing a child's spirit?

Open for Enrollment!

Does This Sound Familiar?

You're a parent who is baffled by your child's behavior. You know your child has specific needs but you're not sure how to meet them.

  • this resource gives you the tools to understand your child's temperament and see how to meet their underlying needs

You're a teacher who struggles to meet the needs of children of different temperaments.

  • the strategies for discipline and social interactions can easily be applied in a classroom

You're a parent educator who wants to help parents see the beauty of their child's temperament

  • the strategies provided in this toolkit are based on decades of academic research on temperament

Every child has unique needs.

Learn how to meet them with confidence.

A strong-willed child doesn't seem to listen and pushes back against every boundary you set.

  • this toolkit includes a whole module on discipline for each temperament

An inhibited or shy child doesn't want to try new experiences.

  • this toolkit illustrates research-backed ways to encourage inhibited children (without forcing them to be something they're not!)